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Recent Movie Reviews

10 Movie Reviews

All the ass has been kicked

Great work on this dude!
I like your comedic style lol

Aww was hoping it would go a little longer.
But what's there is cool!
Ah ok, that's understandable.
Again, I still think it's impressive!
Solid work dude :)

olifromsolly responds:

I would have liked to have made more too but when you're making 3D animation with path tracing you are always limited by the time it takes to rendder and in this instance I was running my computer for two straight weeks.

Recent Game Reviews

18 Game Reviews

Came from your forum post.
I like that it works well on mobile,
(A lot of games on here don't)
but, there isn't much to do.
All you have to do is aim to the bottom right corner hold down and that's it. You never really need to move or interact
so it's not something that would personally hold my attention.
The presentation, art work and everything else looks cool, but the gameplay is pretty flat.

I would've played but I use a gamepad, and I believe the controls are wasd only, so I couldn't move.
Looked pretty neat tho

LightStudio responds:

i believe you can use the arrows in the keyboard to move, but i'll add the gamepad in the next update!

I played this way too long thinking you could max out the numbers.

moofs responds:

40 digits is the max actually

Recent Audio Reviews

33 Audio Reviews

This is pretty neat!
So airy and pleasant.
Nice chill start, and I like it starts moving in the middle!
Very much enjoy the samples being used! The, I believe it's a square wave? Got a little harsh at one part, but overall enjoy this a lot!
What's ur kit?

cominginbytes responds:

I don't have a kit, all I use is https://onlinesequencer.net . It's pretty easy, and so I used it. I also used it for 'Tired'.

Very high level stuff!
I love that you made such quality samples.
For effects like this, I'd more than likely rely on
doing them in post. I like the depth in the sound, and
clean everything blends together!
Very dramatic and intense piece!

zybor responds:

Thank you for your review! :3

Recent Art Reviews

375 Art Reviews

Everyone is here

Finasty responds:


Lmao I usually have the opposite problem where the game is so dark that I can't see anything at all

Twas worthy of the art portal, but you still have my support

TikkiToon responds:

Lol, thanks :)

For What Are We But Ash
Amongst All This Gray Sand?

Joined on 1/18/18

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5m 1d